This page demonstrates an application regarding pick and place via location and provides detailed insights of the task development.
Application - Video
- The Pick is a fixed location from a conveyor with a stop gate
- The Place is 4 fixed locations within a box
- A Rethink Robotics Vacuum Gripper is used
- The robot will pick 3 bottles at a time
Task Bar Configurations
Gripper Information
- 3 Vacuum cups used (1 for each bottle)
- A custom frame was built to hold each vacuum cups in place (Standard vacuum array bracket can be used0
- All was mounted on to a standard Rethink Vacuum Gripper
- Gripper Weight: 540g
- Gripper Length: 170mm

Note: This task was created using Intera 5.0. Some differences may be seen if you are using newer versions of Intera.
- Create a re-registration of landmarks in the initialize node if needed
The Pick
- Create a standard Pick
- Move the Pick Signal Node before the Pick so the air turns on prior to picking
The Place
- Create a Pattern node as a sibling of the sequence node used for the Pick
- Create a standard Pick as a child of the pattern node
Pattern Node
- Define the pattern by entering the dimensions
- Dimensions Used: 4x1x1
- Click set in work space and update the location for the first and last positions of the place
Completed Task - Video