Gazebo Logo

This tutorial describes how to use Sawyer with Gazebo the standard Physics Simulator for ROS.




  • Make sure you have followed the Workstation Setup tutorial before beginning this section.
  • Ensure the following software packages are installed:


ROS Noetic

$ sudo apt-get install gazebo11 ros-noetic-gazebo-ros  ros-noetic-gazebo-ros-control 
ros-noetic-gazebo-ros-pkgs ros-noetic-ros-control ros-noetic-control-toolbox ros-noetic-realtime-tools 
ros-noetic-ros-controllers ros-noetic-xacro python3-wstool ros-noetic-tf-conversions ros-noetic-kdl-parser

ROS Melodic

$ sudo apt-get install gazebo9 ros-melodic-qt-build ros-melodic-gazebo-ros-control 
ros-melodic-gazebo-ros-pkgs ros-melodic-ros-control ros-melodic-control-toolbox ros-melodic-realtime-tools 
ros-melodic-ros-controllers ros-melodic-xacro python-wstool ros-melodic-tf-conversions ros-melodic-kdl-parser

ROS Kinetic

$ sudo apt-get install gazebo7 ros-kinetic-qt-build ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros-control ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros-pkgs 
ros-kinetic-ros-control ros-kinetic-control-toolbox ros-kinetic-realtime-tools ros-kinetic-ros-controllers ros-kinetic-xacro 
python-wstool ros-kinetic-tf-conversions ros-kinetic-kdl-parser ros-kinetic-sns-ik-lib

Sawyer Simulator Installation

From your catkin workspace where the SDK resides, use wstool to install and update:


Install sawyer_simulator


ROS Noetic

$ mkdir -p ~/ros_ws/src
$ cd ~/ros_ws/src
$ git clone -b noetic_devel
$ git clone -b melodic-devel
$ cd ~/ros_ws/src
$ wstool init .
$ wstool merge sawyer_simulator/sawyer_simulator.rosinstall
$ wstool update

ROS Melodic

$ mkdir -p ~/ros_ws/src
$ cd ~/ros_ws/src
$ git clone
$ git clone -b melodic-devel
$ cd ~/ros_ws/src
$ wstool init .
$ wstool merge sawyer_simulator/sawyer_simulator.rosinstall
$ wstool update

ROS Kinetic

$ mkdir -p ~/ros_ws/src
$ cd ~/ros_ws/src
$ git clone
$ cd ~/ros_ws/src
$ wstool init .
$ wstool merge sawyer_simulator/sawyer_simulator.rosinstall
$ wstool update


IMPORTANT: Make sure all simulator repositories update to their proper branch.


Build Source

ROS Noetic

$ source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
$ cd ~/ros_ws
$ catkin_make

ROS Melodic
$ source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
$ cd ~/ros_ws
$ catkin_make

ROS Kinetic
$ source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
$ cd ~/ros_ws
$ catkin_make


The shell has a special hook of *sim* for Simulation. Run the Intera shell script with sim specified:

$ ./ sim


Start simulation with controllers:


$ roslaunch sawyer_gazebo sawyer_world.launch

Smoke Test

Check if the simulator was installed and launched successfully by typing the following commands:


$ rosnode list


This should list the nodes.


$ rostopic list


This should list the topics.


$ rostopic echo /robot/state


By default, the following messages should be displayed at 100 HZ.


enabled: False
stopped: False
error: False
estop_button: 0
estop_source: 0

Run SDK Examples

Start Joint Torque Springs example:

$ ./ sim
$ roslaunch sawyer_gazebo sawyer_world.launch
*in a new terminal*
$ ./ sim
$ rosrun intera_examples


Or, Start Simulated Pick and Place example:


$ ./ sim
$ roslaunch sawyer_sim_examples sawyer_pick_and_place_demo.launch


For additional information on the interfaces that are implemented with this release, visit the Simulator API page.