This page provides an overview about the built-in functions in Intera 5.x.
Node Palette
Move To: Set a move and how to move to it.
Move Head (New function in Intera 5.5): Set a head motion and how to move to it.
Set To: Set a variable for a variable or signal.
Wait: Wait for a set amount of time.
Wait Until: Wait until a condition is satisfied.
Sequence: Do one at a time, in order.
Priority: Do one at a time, in order. Return after any one succeeds or all fail.
Parallel: Do all at the same time. Choose what success and failure mean.
Do If: Do once if condition is true. Return as failure if false.
Loop If: Do and repeat as long as condition is true.
Loop: Repeat for a set number of times, or indefinitely.
Vision Locate: Find and track the position of a trained snapshot.
Vision Inspect: Look for the absence or presence of a trained snapshot.
Workspace snapshot (New function in Intera 5.5): Take a workspace snapshot during the task.
Landmarks: Checks and updates Landmarks during a task.
Contact Mode: Set up part of task to move with contact.
Contact: Success is based on applying or meeting contact.
Pattern: Specify the structure of a pattern.
Catch & Handle Error: Specify custom handling for errors.
Throw Error: Specify a point in a task as an error.
Extensions (new section in Intera 5.5)
Subtask (New function in Intera 5.5): Organize and manage a big task into modular tasks.
Function (New function in Intera 5.5): Provides a new coding node for performing simple calculations or String operations.
Templates: View all and choose Rethink Robotics or Custom templates.
Task Bar
Node Editor - Display and edit node settings
Joints - Indicates position of each joint
Frames - View all frame relationships and create custom frames
Vision - Create Locate, Inspect, and Landmark snapshots
Tools - Configure end of arm tooling
Signals - Configure all external device signals
Device Editor - Configure external devices for supported communications protocols
User Variables - Create and set custom user variables
Shared Data - Single menu view of all robot data including signals, variables, I/O, and endpoints
Log - View robot log status
Intera Insights - Configure task key performance indicators
Extension Gallery (New in Intera 5.5) - create new subtask or snippet
Behavior Editor
3D View
Studio Menu
- New
- Open
- Save
- Save As
- Export Tasks
- Import Task
- Import Templates
- Export Templates
- About
- Settings
- Help
- Export Logs
- Lock Robot
Top Bar
Continue Task - Starts the task from the beginning, or continues where the robot left off after stopping the task. Can be used in Live and Simulation modes.
Step Through Task - Steps through the task one node at a time. Can be used in Live and Simulation modes.
Restart Task - Resets the task data and starts the robot from the beginning of the task.
Stop Task - Stops the task from running. Stop button will appear after run is selected. Can be used in Live and Simulation modes.
Disable Robot's Arm Motors - Stops power to the robot's arm motors. Emergency stop activated at Sawyer message will appear on Studio.
Re-enable Robot's Arm Motors - Resumes power to Sawyer's arm motors. This button only appears if the motors have been disabled.
Run Settings - Use to adjust the run settings. Toggle the input and output signals to fire for a particular task run. Great tool for setting up and troubleshooting a task.
- Toggles the mode between LIVE (on robot) and SIM (virtual simulation only runs in software when connected to the robot - robot will not move)
- Toggles the Intera Studio screen view between Behavior Editor Only, Split Screen, and 3D View Only.
Bottom Bar
Cartesian Panel - Open the Cartesian panel.
General Control - General control of the robot
Request/Release Control - Request and release control from Intera Studio to the robot.
All Object Toggle - Show all 3D objects or for selected task only..
Preview Toggle - Toggle ghosted preview robot, which shows the robot at the selected MoveTo arm pose.